Tuesday, June 26, 2012

My Job

I admit it:  some days I get overwhelmed.
I get frustrated when the house is messy and the children are distracted and disobey.

But every day--from the worst to the best to the mundane--
I am so thankful that I get to stay home with our kids,
and that I stay home with my husband's blessing.
He doesn't want me to go to work, he knows I have plenty to do right here.

Do we do without some things?
Am I happy to be the one who rocks my babies instead of hiring someone else to do it?

This picture of Elizabeth, with her chubby body clinging to my chubby body--
this is my job.
This is what I have been called to do.

To cook, clean, and read stories.
To train, teach, direct, and disciple.
To wash endless amounts of laundry, change countless diapers,
settle disputes, kiss away hurts, and accept weeds flowers from little hands.
To wipe sticky hands, laugh at silly antics, encourage young and growing hearts.
These and much more are my life's work.
And I will do it heartily, as unto the Lord.


  1. You are so right! I can't believe that some people PAY other people to rock their babies :( The hardest job I've ever had, but certainly the MOST rewarding. Love the "chubby body" part...I've got the same body ;)

  2. LOVE LOVE LOVE this!!! My thoughts exactly!!! :)

  3. Oh I love her little hand just holding tight to mommy. So precious!


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