Friday, October 15, 2010

Science, I think.

During science time yesterday with Andrew, Christopher, and Elijah, I asked "Do you know where saltwater comes from?"
Elijah shouted, "I know!!!!  The Salt Department!"
This was immediately followed by Christopher with "Chickens!!"

Hmmmm.  I guess we have some science experiments to do...

1 comment:

  1. Melissa,
    Thank you SO much for your kind have no idea how much they meant!
    First of all, our daughter is in second grade at the elementary school in Zimmerman and our son in Kindergarten at the same school. Our three year-old is at the local church preschool and the one year-old is with me. Whew! To make an extremely LONG story short (read my blog if you need more details...there is plenty!), I've been battling against God since our oldest was 4. Nice, huh? We pulled her last year. She was miserable, and I chickened out. We sent her back. I desperately regret this it was going to work after only one week. UGHHHH!
    I have the "Before 5 in a Row" and would love to start doing that with my boys, but I am getting so caught up in planning. What to record, how/what to plan, covering enough, covering too much.......the list goes on and on.
    This has been the biggest struggle I have ever faced. I KNOW that this is what God wants for me/us. But I am almost too scared to move. What if we drive each other crazy being home all day, every day? What if they "miss out" on something? HOw do I lesson plan?
    I went to the MACHE conference last spring.....I WAS AMAZED! I think that is when I really felt that this was a calling from God for our family.
    SOnlight is what I am looking at, actually, for our family. I want to instill the love of reading in our kids. DO you use just a core or the whole program? Sorry this is just a jibble jabble (like that word?) of words. My brain is swimming, but I feel so lucky to be surrounded by good people like yourself to talk me through this. You've "been there, done that" and I SO apreciate your words of wisdom, Melissa.
    Sincerely, Nicki


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