Friday, April 3, 2009

Oh Yeah, About My Day...

I wanted to share about my experiences yesterday.
Because writing about them is theraputic for me.
And other people find my life humorous.
So do I, after a day or two...

I give you:
I'd been telling Dennis for weeks now that the kids had a dentist appointment on Thursday morning and that, after last time, I would not be taking 7 kids to the dentist alone ever again.

So I took 7 kids to the dentist alone, again.
Some cow decided to get sick and Cows trump Wife.

It was Christopher's first time at the dentist.
He screamed so hard (and loud) that he burst all the little capillaries
around his eyes and got all speckle-faced.
Good times.

Elijah pinched his finger in the door while I was back with one of the other children
and he screamed, too, but not enough to burst any capillaries.
At least he got a little rubber duck out of the deal.
The other kids all had clean check-ups: no cavities!!!! Yeah!!

After the dentist, we went to get Nathaniel's glasses adjusted.
This was, thankfully, uneventful.

Next was Target and after that,
cheeseburgers at McDonald's.

Here's where it gets interesting.
I came out from McDonald's with the food
(because we only eat in the van if we ever do "eat out"; it's much easier/quicker that way)
and the van was dead.

I stayed amazingly calm for a woman with 7 children and no jumper cables, stranded in a McDonald's parking lot a half hour from home, with minimal battery left on my cell phone.

We were rescued by our pastor.

From there, we went to Wal-Mart for a couple things that I can't find at Target,
leaving the van running, of course.
Then it was on to our tatting class.

A woman in our homeschool group is teaching a tatting class and Linnea and I are learning this fun art! (It's basically lace-making, if you didn't know what tatting was.)
The other children come along and play downstairs while "the ladies" tat away upstairs.
Until 2 year-olds slam their fingers in cupboard doors and turn their finger nail purple.
More good times.

We went from tatting class to the grocery store (again, leaving the van running)
where "a few things" too quickly became $100!!!
I looked in my cart and thought, "I just bought nothing for $100."
It was flour and oatmeal and some apples and oranges; and this morning I realized it was NOT brown sugar, which I really need!!

We made it home, had to make two runs at the driveway to get up the hill (MUD!!) and then got stuck in the mud when we were almost to the garage.
I was crabby--I mean, most happy, as I tried to get all the kids and bags and STUFF out of the van, up the stairs and into the house while the dogs were jumping in the van and on me.
Even more good times!

I just love my life.
Except for yesterday.
At least it makes for a good story.


  1. I LOVE days like that! Its good we can shake them off and get a laugh out of them after we cool off!


  2. Melissa I don't even want to know how much is costs you to take the kids to the dentist...because for me it is A LOT! :)
    Love days like that btw...

  3. Bonnie--thankfully, it doesn't cost me anything.
    If it did, we couldn't go.
    Well, it costs our insurance premium, I guess. =)
    Our insurance covers it, is what I'm trying to say.


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