Saturday, February 2, 2013

Sometimes, All You Can Do Is Laugh (at Yourself)

The kids were laughing at the way a character looked on a wii game, saying "He runs like a fat guy."
I discouraged this behavior, telling them not to say that kind of thing.
"Why? He looks funny."
I told them, "Because it's bad manners and because I'm a fat lady and that's how I would look."
To which they replied, "Mom--you don't run."


  1. Melissa, Thank you for stopping by Passionate Homemaking and leaving a comment about why you would like to read Redeeming Childbirth! I am following up with you here because I would love to talk with you about sharing your birth testimonies on Redeeming Childbirth's blog! You can read about the vision here and let me know! God bless you sister! And Amen to everything you shared on the website!
    and if you would like to connect we are on FB and Twitter too!


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