Friday, January 21, 2011

Some Days Are Like That...

If you're my friend on facebook, 
you already know about this.
But in case you're not...

I tried to think of my favorite thing about yesterday.
I couldn't decide whether it would be
  • over-sleeping
  • Ruby going potty in her pretty pink underwear, and consequently onto the (carpeted) floor.
  • the chair that broke in the living room (just to add to our collection of broken furniture)
  • the paltry amount of schoolwork accomplished
  • the cows pushing over a post that caused the roof over the feed bunk to come down
  • the bitter cold
  • the flat tire on the skid loader, which caused my husband to have to hand feed the stock
  • or that my husband and sons were out doing chores at 10:30 pm.

a section of the roof over the feed bunk

thankfully, Dennis and the boys were able to get
 the cows out of the way before it came down.
No cows hurt, no people hurt.
This cow is apparently inspecting the damage.


  1. My day was like that too. From my blog shutting down, to my camera being dropped, to the walls being colored on. Then again, all my things happened INSIDE! Hope things start looking better!

  2. è bellissimo il tuo blog davvero ;)) si respira amore per la non ti dispiace posso tornare a leggervi ? sono Nicoletta ho 45 anni , 4 figli e abito in una splendida città in Italia.." verona"..patria di Giulietta e Romeo Buon fine settimana!!! Nicoletta

  3. Okay..I'm your friend on Fb, and I don't remember seeing any of this! Dang! Here's to a better day today. :)


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