(Think The Jefferson's theme song here...)
Well, she's movin' on up
to a
It was a big group effort, let me tell you.
With very little effort on my part.
Ruby and Elijah played on the mattress
in the hallway (above)...

set up the bed in place of her
pack and play, which served as her crib.
They all then hauled the mattress together,
and navigated the turning of the corner from
the hallway into Ruby's room.

Arranging her "stuff" on her bed.
And, though I tried very hard,
I could not get a picture of her actually looking
at me.
Trust me when I say she is loving
her new-to-her bed
and has been sleeping great in it
without getting out until morning
or until nap time is over.
I always try to make the adjustment from
crib to toddler bed
so that there is enough time for the toddler
to get settled in their new digs
before the new baby comes.
That way, they don't feel
"pushed out" by the baby.
Is she already old enough for a bed?! She is just adorable. :)